About Moi

Currently, in LA:

All-Girls School Math Teacher

Formerly, in NYC:

Public School Math Teacher

Speech (& Debate) Coach


4 thoughts on “About Moi

  1. Nick Hussain August 15, 2011 / 9:58 pm

    I found your blog through Kate’s post of recommended new blogs. I was drawn by the math teacher/debate coach duality. What sort of debate do you coach? I was involved as a student in policy debate, although I also dabbled in the individual events and Student Congress. Now I teach 8th grade math.

  2. pispeak August 17, 2011 / 12:01 am

    Thanks for the comment, Nick. I’m excited to explore the duality, and I recently returned from a cool conference in Boston on how to use debate in the math classroom. (Stay tuned for more details.) Where do you teach? I coach mainly Speech (individual events) and Student Congress, working on developing debate stuff at my school. We’re young and growing…

  3. Nick Hussain August 17, 2011 / 9:11 pm

    I’m in Athens, Georgia, just starting my third year teaching. I went to high school in the metro Atlanta area and competed in several national policy tournaments (and NFL nationals in Student Congress one year).

    My high school’s program has waned as faculty support decreased, which is a shame. High school debate was the single most intellectually stimulating activity in which I participated as a student, and I learned more from it than any single class or teacher. Keep up the work; it is an incredibly valuable activity for your students, even if they do not appreciate the cognitive gains they are making until later.

    • pispeak August 21, 2011 / 1:19 pm

      Awesome! Are you coaching the team? I started my team three years ago. We’re going into our fourth year and have already become the biggest (and baddest) team in my district.

      I completely agree with the cognitive gains. I’ve always been a fan of the academic and social gains of competitive forensics. I also have a plethora of research to back me up. I’m currently working to spread this wider in NYC. We’ll see how that goes…

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